The Literacy Continuum
Literacy is the ability to understand and evaluate meaning through reading and writing, listening and speaking, viewing and representing. Literacy skills need to continually expand and diversify because our rapidly changing social and economic environment requires competence in a range of new communication forms and media. Literacy competence is central to achievement in all areas of learning as students progress through the early, middle and later years of schooling and into the workforce and personal life. (NSW DEC, 2007)
The Literacy Continuum identifies the literacy skills and understandings regarded as critical to literacy success. It maps how critical aspects develop through the years of schooling by describing key markers of expected student achievement. The continuum focuses on capturing the literacy connections that are critical to success, are applicable to all key learning areas and cannot be left to chance. It has been informed by an extensive range of international and Australian studies, reports and research.
L C Overview (PDF 384 KB) Download an overview here.